Remote Ceiling Fans
Over the past decade ceiling fans have become more functional, energy efficient and stylish. As the demand for these features increase ceiling fans with light and remote are one of our most popular packages with options for LED light and modern remotes.
Most ceiling fans are installed in the centre of the room replacing the current light. Many remote ceiling fans are capable of running multiple downlights as well.
Additionally a remote is not just convenience, it can also make installation faster, cheaper and easier as the need to run additional wires is now no longer required. Most remotes come with a wall bracket so it can be placed neatly on your wall. The current light switch will still be required as an isolation point for any future maintenance.
Some of our most popular ceiling fans with light and remote options are Mercator Caprice Series Hunter Pacific Series. More fans can be found here
remote ceiling fansWhen you need to have a remote control
There are cases where installing a fan will only be possible with a remote control. You may not have access to run the wiring through the ceiling and down the wall to install a wall control. This is common for apartments with another floor above them, where there is no access to the wiring in the ceiling. However, there is a light in the room, so you can replace the light with a fan and light, and use a remote option to control both.
You will also need a remote control is if it is the only option for the fan model you choose. This is especially true for DC fans – which currently are only available with remote controls. So you might solve the problem of whether to use a remote when you choose your ceiling fan.
Ceiling fans have typically been made with AC motors until recently, today there is a growing number of fans entering the market with DC motors. The result is it decreases the amount of power used, then to create the force needed to rotate the motor’s rotor, magnets are utilised.
Benefits Of DC Fans
Ceiling fans with DC motors offer greater energy efficiency, increased quietness. These fans are perfect for bedrooms where quietness is essential, for the energy conscious.